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An Overview of the Minor Injury Guideline

Ontario has had some form of “no fault” auto insurance since 1990, when the Ontario Motorist Protection Plan was passed. Since that time, Ontario motorists injured in auto accidents have been able to access various benefits under their own policy of insurance to assist them in their recovery. These “no fault benefits” include certain coverage for the costs associated with medical treatments and rehabilitation costs. Currently, for a non-catastrophic injury, that coverage is up to $50,000 within 10 years after the date of the collision. Continue reading

How Much Is Your Personal Injury Case Worth?

Whether you have been injured in a car accident, slip-and-fall, or some other kind of incident, it’s normal to wonder what to expect from your case, including its value. Although it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how much an individual case is worth, an experienced personal injury lawyer can draw upon past experience and skill to provide a very general estimate of various types of damages. Continue reading

Changes to the Minor Injury Guideline

Effective February 1, 2014, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released changes to the Ontario Minor Injury Guideline (MIG). Specifically, the changes require claimants to provide formal documentation from a health care provider predating an accident as proof of a preexisting condition if they wish to circumvent the MIG.  In effect, this makes it even harder for innocent victims injured in a car accident to avoid the harsh consequences of the MIG. Continue reading

Steps to Take after a Car Accident

Any type of motor vehicle accident can leave you shaken up and wondering what to do next. Obviously, if you are seriously injured, you should always seek medical treatment immediately. If your injuries are not life-threatening, however, there are several important things you can do to protect your legal rights. Continue reading

Ontario Dog Bite Law

Dogs can be beloved companions and an important member of the family. They are still animals, however, with an animal’s instincts and ability to inflict serious injuries. In many cases, a dog bite victim knows the owner of the dog who caused his or her injuries. If the owner is a friend or relative, the victim may feel reluctant to pursue compensation. Studies show, however, that the psychological injuries that follow a dog attack can linger for years, especially in children. In addition, a dog bite can often inflict nerve damage and usually results in permanent scarring. Victims of dog attacks owe it to themselves to pursue full and fair compensation for their physical and emotional injuries. Continue reading

Bicycling Safety for Kids

What Parents Need to Know

As the weather warms up, it’s time for kids and adults alike to jump on bikes and enjoy cycling. Knowing the bicycling rules of the road can prevent serious injuries. In Ontario, there are specific rules for children who bicycle.

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What Is Negligence?

If you have been hurt in an accident caused by someone else, you have probably become quite familiar with the term “negligence.” You might have also heard it mentioned in lawyer television commercials.

Most people have a vague understanding of negligence. They know it is a bad thing that can end up costing the person responsible a lot of money.

But what is it really? For a simple word, negligence is a relatively complex legal concept. Continue reading

The Basics of Slip and Fall Lawsuits

When the weather turns cold and sidewalks become icy and slippery, slips and falls are an everyday risk. So what does the law say about liability for slips and falls? What are your options when you’ve been injured in a slip, trip, or fall? Continue reading

What Are Your Options When You’re Turned Down for Long-Term Disability?

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident or any other type of accident in Ontario, you have several income replacement options – especially if you’ve sustained an injury that results in long-term disability. It’s important to know, however, that the laws in this area are quite complex and require the help of an experienced, knowledgeable lawyer. If you have been turned down for long-term disability benefits from one source, don’t give up. Your lawyer can help you identify all sources of long-term disability benefits and meet the deadlines for filing a claim. Continue reading

How Contingency Fees Work

In the aftermath of an injury or accident, a lot of people put off hiring a lawyer, even when they know they need some advice, simply due to concerns about the expense. Good legal advice comes with a price tag; but it’s worth the cost.

In a personal injury matter, the stakes are high; you need compensation for your medical treatment and rehabilitation, and you may also have concerns about long-term costs associated with your injury—such as follow-up medical care, medications, loss of income due to time away from work, an inability to work for an extended period or even permanently, or increased expenses for housekeeping, child care, and other tasks you can no longer perform due to your injury. Continue reading